
Teemo Attack Short Story

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2 Months later after Teemo dad has been murdered by swain. Teemo has now became known as the swift scout but one things just bother him, the voices. Teemo and Tristana has now became close buddys and they do everything together like the time they set Ziggs Bomb off on Acident and it nearly nuked bandle city.Teemo did notice Fizz dissapearance and how Rumble always act around Tristana but she just dont seems to notice him and how differenlty he act around her. Poppy has seems to be wandering around looking around for Fizz for the past 2 months Even though her troops has suggested her not to wander around or send some mens to defend her due to the incident and the frequence Noxus Attack on Bandle City yet Poppy Seem to be handling it even thought …show more content…

"TEEMO!!!" Came a familar voice. "Tristana"? He manage to said as he look at what seem like army running towards him. "Oh my god what happened to you!?" Tristana said as she squad next to him followed by 1000 armed soldiers."Trist I" said Teemo before everything went black. "Oh my god NO!"shouted Tristana as she place her ears on his heart to listen for his head beat. After a few seconds Tristana begin to lose home as she felt tears form around her eyes until she heard something. Blump came a soft beat. Tristana ear suddenly peaked up the moment she heard it. "QUICK SEND MEDIC" She yelled but not a single soldier moved a muscle. "Oh My God Are All Of You Deaf?!" Yelled Tristana once more. "Um sorry comander we fight but we are no healers" said a men". "My freaking god Escort Him Back!" Comanded Tristana. "Tristana Im so sorry" said Rumble in a voice that trys to confront Tristana. But she didnt buy it "Get away from me" said Tristana in a dangerous voice. "Trist I". "SHUT UP!" She screamed at Rumble who was shocked by her sudden words. Tristana wipe her tears away as she marched with her squad, leaving Rumble broken in …show more content…

"He's a tough kid he been through worse" said Poppy as she had her arms around Tristana. "Im so useless" said Tristana as she cried harder as she bury her face into Poppy warm arms. "Your a comander now act like one" demands Poppy. "I lost so many people and im am nothing " she screamed. "You saved me and alot of Yordles" countered Poppy. "No Teemo did, im just clean up" said Tristana."You both did" said Poppy. The door open next to stair as a familar figure appears. "Tristana you are now to escort you sqaud out of bandle city". "Where are we going" Asked the yordle guner. "We are going to ionia" Said Heimerdinger. "But why" Asked Tristana thinking about how Teemo will react to find her gone without a sound. "And for you, Poppy you sure you dont need any of my mens and you can hold the noxus and attacks while we are gone" said Heimer. "I dont repeat myself" said Poppy without looking at him. "As the leader of Bandle City you should show me more respect cimanded Heimer. "Yeah just like how you should tell your the people the truth right?" Mocked Poppy. "What did you say you midget?!" Said Heimer losing his temper. "Ah giving away tech to humans and geting pet like a dog" Mocked Poppy calm as ever. "Such a Leader such a disgrace" said Poppy. Heimer snaped as he prepared Rockets and aim at Poppy. "Oh you wanna fight old fool? Said Poppy and she challenged Heimer by raising her hammer against him.

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