
Essay on Teen Pregnancy: More Education is Needed

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Teenage pregnancy is a rising factor throughout the world that’s caused by many unfortunate actions. Teenagers feel the need to engage in sexual activities due to peer pressure, violence and statutory rape. In some cases teens end up birthing their babies and in other cases they abort them. To help teens understand the consequences and reality of teen pregnancy, abstinence education and sex education can be introduced to steer teens in a better direction and help them to decide the appropriate outcome for their babies. Multiple teens are conceiving a day resulting in just as many births a day. This problem exists due to sexually active teens. Each year, some 2,600,000 teenagers become sexually active-a rate of 7,000 per …show more content…

The state is usually responsible for paying for the prenatal care of the teenage mother which is a reason why many states are losing money. Money loss is not the only factor that is affecting our society. The emotional well-being of pregnant teens also takes a toll on our society. “Depression in adolescent mothers is linked to an increased risk of rapid subsequent pregnancy, and these findings should come as no surprise” says Diana Mahoney, a news reporter for Clinical Psychiatry News. Teens feel stressed and irresponsible which causes most teens to go into a depressive state. Another contributing factor to the depression in teens is the choice of having their child or having an abortion. To most teens, choosing abortion over birth is an easy way out of turning into a soon to be parent. At least 100 teenagers a month are having an abortion for the second time ( Teens Are Using Abortions as Contraception 1). Little do they know, that they are immensely effecting their health by using abortion as a kind of contraception. According to journalist Beverly Kemp of News of the World, she writes:
What is especially disturbing about this development is the fact that these pregnant teens are repeatedly getting pregnant and repeatedly receiving abortions as a form of birth control. Just having one abortion can lower a teen’s chances of being able to conceive when she is

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