
Teenage Representation

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Teen Representation in the Media
Media often shows risk taking behavior involving teens, however messages shown can often be too complex and/or too mixed of a message to leave a morally correct idea in a teenagers developing brain. Media can really be any entertainment source based on communication, being defined (by Google) “as the main means of mass communication (television, radio, and newspapers) regarded collectively.” It does attempt to show behaviour such as taking drugs, hoon behaviour and violence among teens as a morally incorrect thing to partake in, however some attempts to display such acts as so, often do not result in success.
In attempts to gain views, media attempts to appeal to adult audiences by showing teenages partaking in illicit substance use, this is clearly shown by news reports such as “Teenages are Australia’s most arrested people”1 and “Teenage drink and drug abuse …show more content…

The reports, such as “Hoon Bust”3 or “Two hoons caught driving at over 200km/h”4, these two particular reports go into detail catching drink drivers and speeders, but don’t even think to discuss deaths or injuries caused by such behaviour, how is one to know it is bad? Reports customarily involve experts and news reporters focusing on the actual perpetrator but doesn’t actually critique the actual negative effects of such behaviour. Or even just watching the underlying video’s which show teens entertaining themselves doing burnouts and partaking in street racing, leaving you distracted from actual messages contained in the report. Dangerous driving shown by media today skews the view, blaming the actions on the driver but not elaborating on why this behaviour is harmful, risks are part of everyday life but media never takes the time to show why this is a particularly harmful

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