
Teens, Sex, and Virginity - I Lost My Virginity

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I lost my virginity

i arrived at college a seventeen year-old virgin who had been drunk only once before. it wasn't a concious decision to change all that, but i definately had no intention of remaining the awkward, hesitant good girl i had been throughout high school. i had resolved to try everything without fear, which was one reason i signed up for a rock climbing orientation trip. it is here that martin enters the picture. he was one of my trip leaders, a twenty three year old senior from california. he was a runner and a republican, and his looks were not unlike those of teen heartthrob scott wolf. i quickly dismissed the idea of his being interested in me. he seemed too hot, too experienced, too suave. i was so young. the rock …show more content…

in the spirit of trying new things, i joined the women's rugby football club. the night after my first game, i told myself i was allowed five drinks because i had gotten forty minutes of play time. i downed my five drinks in about as many minutes, and then headed out with the girls to meet the boys' team. on the way out of the dorm, i met up with martin, who greeted me with a 'kiiiiirrrrrrsten!' that echoed throughout the stairs.

everything gets blurry about here. i know that i had another ten drinks before i lost count, and i know i drank them all with martin. i was told that we made something of a spectacle of ourselves dancing at a party, and i remember overhearing some of his friends ask him if he was sure he wanted to hook up with a very drunk freshman. eventually we did get back to his room, and eventually we had sex. i was underwhelmed. i remember him getting on me something like three times before i must have passed out. when i sobered up the next day, i found myself in new york city. it was one in the afternoon and i was there for a field trip to the opera for german class. i had spent the morning drunk, and i spent the afternoon a bit sick and tired. i was sore all over, even though it hadn't hurt at all. to my recollection, it hadn't felt that different than fingers. when i got back to campus, my hallmates were abuzz. they hadn't known i was going to the city, and so had been panicking all day. one of them had called martin's

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