
Terry Tempest Williams Biography

Decent Essays

I'm an established freelance writer based in San Diego covering environmental issues in the Southern California and beyond. My focus is the intersection between nature, science and technology with a twist of food politics.
Even though I was born in London, grew up in New York and live in a large cosmopolitan city with year-round beach access, I do miss the mountains. My exposure to the works of John McPhee, Edward Abby and Wallace Stegner, compelled me to move beyond the 100th meridian, which is where I intend to remain for the indefinite future. I feel as though my better self inhabits the wide-open spaces of the American West from slick-rock canyons to glaciers. The terrain often beacons, which is one of the reasons why I’m contacting …show more content…

My personal and professional interests align, which is why I never seem to tire of covering multifaceted environmental topics or have much patience for cubical life. If I’m not at my desk, banging out prose, I’m out and about, cooking or thinking about being outside. As a result, I’ve surfed, hiked and climbed a good chunk of America’s public lands and wilderness areas.

While I’m hardly Wordsworth, or Terry Tempest Williams (for that matter) the act of writing is second nature to me. Day to day, I derive a great deal of satisfaction from turning data points and anecdotes into prose. And that’s where we could help each other out. I’d like to Trump proof my career and one approach to accomplishing this goal is to find like-minded allies. Given the existing political climate, working solo grows less appealing to me by the day.

Although resource management and conservation issues in the US precede Trump’s rise by many decades, they have a newfound urgency under his administration. The rollback of environmental controls, the proposed Border Wall and concessions to the oil and gas industry do not bode well for the future preservation of our Nation’s biological or cultural resources or for the people who love

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