
Texting And Driving Accidents

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Texting and Driving can cause a drastic amount of accidents. Distracted driving is where a task is taking your primary attention off of the road and diverting it to somewhere else primarily a cellphone. Texting and driving is tremendously dangerous; it does not take but a split second of looking down at a cellphone to run off the road or hit someone that has pulled out in front of an individual. A person should pull over if they need to look at their phone or text someone back. What I am going to write about is how many accidents happen a year due to texting and driving, how many deaths occur from texting and driving each year and approximately how many people use their phones while driving. The latest estimated injuries that occur each year from texting and driving is 391,000(Stop Texts Stop Wrecks, Facts). That is an enormous amount of people that have been injured from an individual texting and driving. Nine percent of all drivers 15 to 19 years old involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crashes (Stop Texts Stop Wrecks, Facts). This age group has the largest proportion of driv¬ers who were distracted at the time of the crashes. Young teenagers are easily distracted by a cellular device. It takes approximately five seconds to answer a text if you are traveling fifty-five miles per hour then that would equal traveling the length of a football filed without looking up. That is a long way without looking and anything can happen in that amount

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