
Textual Analysis Of The Movie The Giver

Decent Essays

I chose to analyze the movie “The Giver.” This film shows off how some people who have higher power than others tend to control more than the lower class. The giver was written by a woman named Lois Lowry. This novel was published in 1994. Lowry wanted to write a novel that took place in a utopia, where everything is perfect. When she was a young girl she lived in Japan. She remembers riding her bike around and knowing everything was foreign to her. The novel “The Giver” was partially based off her life in a foreign country. Lois Lowry first had the idea to write The Giver when her father began suffering from memory loss. She saw the pain he went through when she had to remind him that his other daughter had passed away years ago. This gave her the idea to create the setting of “The Giver”. Her father could not control his memory due to Alzheimers. This made Lowry think about what life would be like if people did not have control of …show more content…

Since the high council believes that people should only know good and what they believe others should know, they give injections to all the community to take away any recollection of their history. His job is to know things about Humanities past that others are not allowed to know. He meets up with a man who has the title of The Giver who shares all he knows with Jonas by vivid memories that they can exchange by touching each other’s wrist. As Jonas continues with the teachings of becoming the receiver of knowledge, he starts to realize how corrupt the “perfect” society he lived in actually is. The Giver and Jonas devised a plan to change the community. the Giver will stay in the community to help deal with the memories that will return to the sanctuary, once Jonas goes through the border that keeps the memories away from their society. Eventually, they find their way to a world full of colors, animals and

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