
The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part Time Indian Analysis

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Amir Rahman Mrs. Chen Honors English 9—Period 6 7 August 2015 The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian 1.) The significance of the two settings, Wellpinit and Reardan, is that they both impacted Junior’s life in positive and negative ways. The town of Wellpinit on the Spokane Indian Reservation was where Junior grew up with his family and his one, loyal friend, Rowdy. This town played such a significant role in Junior’s life because it taught him some of the most essential lessons that he would use throughout his life. One of which, is the importance of family. Junior knew he didn’t have much friends and that family was all that he could count on to be there for him. Furthermore, he learned that not only did he have to be considerate …show more content…

She always wants the best for her children. For example, she was very supportive when Junior went to Reardan. She always prepared food for her family and cherished her daughter and son. She provides a safe home for her family. To illustrate my thoughts it states, “ My mother and father are drunks, too, but they aren't mean like that. Not at all. They sometimes ignore me. Sometimes they yell at me. But they never, ever, never, ever hit me. I've never even been spanked” (Alexie, 16). Therefore, she was a responsible parent even though most indian parents …show more content…

Arnold draws because it lets him lay all of his thoughts and ideas out onto a piece of paper. To illustrate my thoughts, it states in the text that,” I draw because words are too limited” (Alexie, 5). Therefore, I can infer that Arnold cartoons because he wants people to really understand what he’s trying to say without his lisp or any other external factors interfering with the meaning he’s trying to convey. Cartooning affects Arnold in a positive way because it gives him a whole other world when he has the pen in his hand and sometimes that can be very helpful when he has to deal with tough obstacles in life. In brief, drawing comforts and pleases him. On the other hand, the purpose his cartoons have on the reader is to allow them to interpret what Arnold is feeling and what is happening in the story. Furthermore, it affects the reader because it lets them understand what and how things are happening and it lets the readers feel as though they are living the same events as Arnold Spirit. In conclusion, Arnolds cartooning has a major impact on himself and the

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