
The Action Of The Colonist

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1. The appropriate action of the colonist in response to the taxation imposed by the British Crown. Take a moment if you will and think what it would be like if you and all your friend spoke with British accents and instead of your morning coffee you read the paper over the morning tea. Both are two small differences that would be about if the colonist had not responded in the manner they did in their response to the taxation imposed by the British Crown. We will never truly know how the colonies would have turned out if they would had stayed under the rule of the Crown. Nevertheless the Crown brought it upon itself with the taxation without representation. The year is 1764 and the French and Indian War has ended. There is a staggering war debt held by the crown. George Grenville the British Prime Minister at the time decided to explore the option of taxing the colonies to make the debt more manageable. According to (Roark et al., 2014) the sugar act was a British law that decreased the duty on French molasses, making it more attractive for shippers to obey the law, and at the same time raised the penalties for smuggling. The sugar act regulated trade but was also intended to raise revenue much in the same tradition of the Navigation acts. Grenville’s hope for the Sugar Act did not materialize, however the next year he escalated his revenue program with the Stamp Act. In the words of (Roark et al., 2014) The Stamp Act was a 1765 British law imposing a tax on all paper used

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