
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn By Mark Twain

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We all like are freedom and America was founded on the principle of freedom of the US constitution. The pilgrims sailed to America before it was even called America. People came

there to spurse freedom or wealth, but America was the last country to free the black slave. The

Civil war was fought and many lives were lost. Mark Twain lived before the time of the civil

war. His book “Huckleberry Finn” talked about slavery and freedom in general.

The adventure in the book begins when Jim is Mrs. Watson’s slave overhears,Mrs.

Watson saying that she is going to sell Jim to a nearby plantation owner. Jim, not wanting to go

to the plantation and also not wanting to be separated from his family for the rest of his life. He

runs away to a nearby island where he meets Huck. The two of them then go on an adventure to

get to the north. Traveling on the mississippi to a free state.

Going to the free state with free Jim from his struggle of slavery. During the time period

that the book is in it was still common to own slaves. Jim if he went to the plantaion would have

to go through many things that normal people do no have to go through. Seperation of family, a

cruel master and many other bad things. When Jim plans to get to the north ““Yes—en I’s rich

now come to look at it. I owns myself, en I’s wuth eight hund’d dollars. I wisht I had de money-”

(litcharts). Jim plans to use this money to by his family and live in the north

free with his family. The

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