
The Aeneid-the Role of Fate

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Fate is the essential idea of The Aeneid, but more importantly, the underlying force throughout the text. Fate cannot be changed; it is the set of events with the inevitable result. Virgil uses the idea of fate to narrate and advance through his epic poem, but perhaps also to illustrate that the gods had originally intended for Rome to become a great and powerful empire. The king of gods, Jupiter, has chosen Aeneas and his preordained path to destiny, by leading the Trojans and creating the foundations for the Roman Empire. However, a variety of gods interfere with Aeneas’s direction of fate in order to satisfy their own desires, only to discover that Aeneas’s fate can be manipulated, but never overturned.
Aeneas is born from the gods …show more content…

Perhaps the most significant example of the importance of fate in The Aeneid happens in Book VI; the golden branch. Aeneas and his fleet arrive on the coast on Cumae in search of the Sibyl at the Temple of Apollo. Following his father’s instructions, Aeneas asks the Sibyl to gain him entrance to Dis so he may visit his father’s spirit. However, in order to enter Dis with any possibility of returning, Aeneas must first locate a sign to gain him access across the Acheron River. The Sibyl then explains to Aeneas that the sign is a golden branch in a nearby forest, if the branch breaks off the tree easily then fate awards Aeneas a pass into the underworld. If the branch does not break off then Aeneas is not destined to go.
A bough is hidden in a shady tree; its leaves and pliant stem are golden, set aside as sacred to Proserpina. The grove serves as its screen, and shades enclose the bough in darkened valleys. Only he may pass beneath earth’s secret space who first plucks the golden-leaved fruit of that tree. Lovely Proserpina ordained that this be offered her as gift. And when the first bough is torn off, a second grows again – with leaves of gold, again of that same metal. So let your eyes search overhead; and when the bough is found, then pluck it down by hand as due: for if the Fates have summoned you, the bough will break off freely, easily; but otherwise, no power can overcome it, hard iron cannot help

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