
The Age of Reason and Revolution Essay

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The Age of Reason and Revolution

Many individuals that lived in the period of time known as the Age of Reason, discovered many new inventions and advancements to improve the quality of life. Some of these advantages brought fourth new ideas to extraordinary people who forever changed the way we look at life. Although many people found these discoveries to bring great revival to mankind, others rejected these new improvements and felt as if they were defying god. These years were full of discoveries, conflicts, and new visions of the world. The age of reason brought on many changes to religious, political, scientific, and literary aspects of the eighteenth century.

The Age of Reason and …show more content…

He wrote the influential pamphlet Common Sense, which was an assault on monarchial rule and the American colonies independence from Britain. “Society in every state is a blessing, but government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.”(Paine) Paine also felt that society as a whole, was produced by our wants, and governed by our wickedness. Paine was once imprisoned in Britain for sedition. James Monroe, American ambassador to France, gained Paine’s release on the grounds that he was an American Citizen. Paine later went on to help boost moral and spirits when Washington was defeated. He wrote words of encouragement and inspiration. “Direct representative government, the distribution of power between the respective levels of government, the significant role of local government and the evolution of a political structure that was eventually institutionalized are all the legacies of the formative years of the Colonial character of America.”(Brainard)

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Scientific Revolution, which was the development of new sciences and technology, and the Age of Enlightenment, which was the so called “age of reason”, had sparked women’s

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