
The Alarming Rate Of Juvenile Incarceration Essay

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I’m writing to you, as a concerned citizen of the United States, about the alarming rate of juvenile incarceration in the United States and the problems associated with these rates. Many young children, especially those living below the poverty line or in poverty, notably Black and Hispanic children are more likely to commit crimes than those living in the middle class or upper class and who are White. It’s simple; children with a lower social economic status are more likely to find themselves committing crimes and then being sentenced than children with higher social economic status’s. According to The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology “People in lower classes are often more visible, less powerful, and more likely to be apprehended and labeled as criminals than those from higher social classes.” (197, Ferris and Stein) This is alarming. However, this becomes more alarming when applied to children. And instead of providing help and guidance and a possibility of a future, the government places some of these children in prisons, including adult prisons, leaving them to fend for themselves. What is even more disturbing, is the institution that was created to provide students with an education, guidance and future is one of the leading causes of child incarceration besides poverty. This institution is school and this process is also known as the school-to-prison-pipeline. And for those children who do find themselves in prison, there is no help, no opportunities or

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