
The American Counter With Buddhism Summary

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In American religion has expanded over time with many categories. In many specific religions, Americans have found interest in the something new and different. In the nineteenth century, Buddhism in America became the new form of religion. In “The American Counter With Buddhism,” Tweed researched the depth of the Victorian culture in relations to the expansion of American Buddhism. “The American Counter With Buddhism,” began as a research project for Professor Clebsch at Stanford University. Tweed speaks of being grateful for Professor Clebsch for beginning the research. Tweet states in the book that it was very difficult to find for this book, which gives him a lot of credit for the effort he put into the book. He also applies the use of foreign terms to provide his knowledge in the study of Buddhism in America. With the use of foreign terms validated the connection with specialists in Buddhism, however the American scholars did not seem impressed.
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The Americans in the Victorian era stayed connected to their roots in the culture, but took much interest in converting to Buddhism. Most found interest in the parallel connection between Buddha and Jesus, which increased the attraction. The passive and pessimistic views that Buddhism represents assisted the attraction. The majority of Buddhism people in the United States during 1844-1912 were Asian immigrants or descendants. The immigrant population held the largest numbers in the 1850s. The major curiosity in Buddhism was the period of 1879-1912, which was also a key time for social, political, and economic uproar. Tweed believed that there was a sort of connections with the culture uproar and religion. During this period was when the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882, which was one of the first law restricting immigration into the United

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