
The American Dream By Derrick Harrell 's Cotton

Decent Essays

The American Dream is a concept that has been of a part of people’s lives and ideals for many decades. We all want the opportunity to become a success, to prosper and to live life to the fullest. In Derrick Harrell’s Cotton, even though he shares the wonder of the American Dream, he realizes that he cannot escaped his family and his upbringing. He will become like his parents and grandparents to an extent. The question is can one have the American Dream and individuality or are we all just a copy of generations before. When one talks about the American Dream, thoughts go to being happy and self-satisfied as an individual. It doesn’t portray following in others footsteps or becoming like one’s parents or grandparents. It allows a person to step out into world and find out who they are. It allows a person to become more than just another “chip off the block”. It allows a person to grow, succeed and transform into a person full of happiness and content due to the freedoms they are allowed. This is why many immigrants came to America. They wanted the freedom to drop everything that was burdening them in their homeland and become something new and prosperous. The American Dream takes a person’s determination and willingness to work toward their dreams and goals and gives them a chance to achieve it all. The American Dream is about the individual and the desires without these the goals will not be achieved.
The American Dream is much more than just being an

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