
The American Dream In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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In the land of financial struggle that we live in at present, the fortunate are able to establish while underprivileged are left to survive in the dirt. It has been a continuous battle to find work and feed and support your family. Many are left to abandoned their families because they are not able support them financially. One textual example that portrays this struggle is Upton Sinclair’s novel, “The Jungle”. The Jungle provides the reader with insight of how the businesses took control of the average workers life, and the working conditions were horrible while the wages were low. The Jungle begins with a story of a group of Lithuanian immigrants who move to America leaving behind their loved ones in hopes of better life in America …show more content…

They move to America because they have heard stories of other immigrants who make prosperity, and want to do the same for their family. They move into a settlement in Chicago known as Packingtown, a ghetto full with rundown housing and polluting industrial factories where laborers risk their lives inside and work for low wages. They are unconscious of the hustle of the citizens to cheat anybody they can and are taken advantage of by a couple of them. America isn't exactly what it appears to be, yet they are determined to start their new life in American since coming to America was the fantasy of numerous workers of this period. The story opens at the veselija, or wedding gathering of Jurgis and his wife, Ona. They have recently come from Chicago and are celebrating their marriage in a bar in their neighborhood. It is a depiction of a substantial social affair of glad Lithuanian individuals getting a charge out of an uncommon wealth of sustenance, liquor, and great circumstances. There is music, moving, singing, and a large number of similar things we would expect today at a wedding party. At the point when hungry individuals stand outside the door, it is Lithuanian custom to welcome them inside for their fill of

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