
The American Dream Of Success

Decent Essays

The American Dream

The United States has become great through the hard work of millions of immigrants striving to achieve the “American Dream.” The dream to own a home, to provide for your family, and to be able to find success no matter where you start. This idea has been at the heart of the American worker, hoping one day to own land for himself. Land is a sense of wealth, pride, and influence and it is a great asset to work for, but the dream of owning a home declined during the collapse of the housing market in 2008.
The subprime mortgage crisis had a global economic effect, but the worst was seen here in the United States. Millions of americans were affected, many lost their jobs and homes, and the economy was on the brink of collapsing …show more content…

There are many factors that led to recession in 2008, and there are many lessons to be learned to prevent another catastrophe. The loaners, credit agencies, and banks are at fault for the crisis, but the public has some fault too. Each year millions of americans are born into our country, and we preach this dream of success to them. Success is a good dream to have, but people must learn to live within their means. Success is not guaranteed, it takes work and time, and you shouldn’t buy the bigger house just because you are able …show more content…

If you bought a home before the recession, you may have paid double the value of the house after the crash. Today with a stabilized and rising housing market the value and risk of owning a home is great. The dream for many people of owning a home has been revitalized, with consumer spending increasing, the confidence in the economy is high. Being to provide a home for your family is an amazing feel, one I hope I can achieve one day. There are many properties one can own, but there is only one real home for everyone. The house you first walked in, the one you had your first playdate, the one you had summer barbeques at, the one you will always remember. A house is more than an asset, it changes your life for the better and will always provide you and your family with a secure and private location. Not everyone who suffered in 2008 due to the collapse has recovered, but it is a slow process. Though many suffered, the goal to own a home is still on their mind. A home is indicator of success, it allows us to know we are on the way to economic stability and freedom. It lets us know we are not leaving our children with nothing. A home is an achievable goal for anyone in the american economy, it takes work, but the work is well worth it in the

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