
The American Judicial System: Does It Favor the Criminal?

Better Essays


I. Introduction

II. Youthful Offenders

A. Mistaken Notion of Leniency

B. Proof of Increased Effort to Criminalize Youthful Offenders

1. Stronger Penalties

2. Prison Population

C. Preventative Affects

III. Drug & Violent Crimes

A. Mistaken Notion of Leniency

B. "Get Tuff" Attitudes

IV. Incarceration Issues

V. Conclusion

Table of Contents


Statement Of Purpose……………………………………………………..1

Youthful Offenders…………………………………………………….….1

Drug & Violent Crime Cases……….………….………………………….4

Incarceration Issues………………………………………………………..6

Works Cited………………………………………………….…………….7

The American Judicial System: Does it favor the criminal?

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Because many of the social structures that once kept our kids secure have broken down, we have today's appalling data on juvenile crimes, gangs, drug abuse, pregnancy and dropouts…it is just common sense that if we don't provide these young people with some kind of sanctuary--I call them safe places--and give kids something constructive to do once the last bell rings, they are going to be easy marks for drug dealer, gang recruiters, and other preditors. (Powell)

The list of activist committed along with General Powell include President Clinton, as well as all other living former presidents, popular musicians, famous actors, and many world renounced and highly esteemed doctors, who want to see the American youth prosper not fail (Powell). Criminologists feel that youth who are, whether they are "at risk or not," have a better chance of becoming productive members of society and are less likely to be found in trouble with the law (Cole 17A). Many lawmaker and law enforcement officials also believe that mentoring and reaching out to "at risk" youth are the best alternative to strict laws and over crowded prisons (Powell).

Drug & Violent Crime Cases

Just as many people feel the American Judicial System is far too lenient on juvenile offenders, the same holds true for drug and violent crimes. Prosecutors strive for reduced sentences due to prison overcrowding, first-time offenders and non-violent criminals leave court rooms with

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