
The American Revolution Can be Blamed on Enland Essay

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Prior to the Revolutionary War, during the 1760s, the contradicting opinions among the colonists living in England’s thirteen colonies separated them into two major groups, those loyal to the king and to Great Britain and those patriotic to colonial America. While the loyalists were content to be English subjects and wanted to remain under the protection of England, the patriots felt that it was essential that the colonies obtain their liberty from England. Some colonists were strongly opinionated, while others were undecided. However, a series of events, including the Proclamation of 1763, the Stamp Acts, the Townshend Duties, the Quartering Acts, the Boston Massacre, and the Intolerable Acts, caused the majority of colonists to desire …show more content…

However, the colonists felt a strong antipathy and umbrage towards this explanation because they felt that England was trying to keep its colonies contained on the Atlantic coast. This theory is due to the fact that if the colonies all were located on the eastern coast of the Americas, it would be easier for England to keep control then if the colonists began moving into western territories. It also required that all lands within the "Indian territory" occupied by Englishmen were to be abandoned. Because the England sided with the Indians in the Proclamation of 1763, the colonists perceived England’s interests as against what was best for the colonial Americans. Thus began the extensive atrocities committed by England that created tension and distrust between the colonies and its motherland. As more and more colonists were undecided on whether to be loyalists or patriots, the various acts and duties, such as the Stamp Act, passed encouraged many to agree with the patriots. Passed on March 22, 1765 by the Stamp Act imposed a tax on the colonists by placing a stamp on items that were to have a tax including printed papers, including ship’s paperwork, legal documents, licenses, deeds, certificates, newspapers and other publications, as well as common household paper items, such as playing cards and dice. Though the Stamp Act was mild in its direct effects, it alarmed many colonists because of

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