
The Article On Love, And Maybe Lose, A Foster Child By Maghan Moravcik Walbert

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The article “To Love, and Maybe Lose, a Foster Child” by Maghan Moravcik Walbert relates to marriage and family because it is about a child in a foster care system and a family trying to get the child by going through court systems. Their biological son is very attached to the foster child and sees him as his own sibling. The family buys the foster child everything he needs for like his birthday, Christmas, and first day of school clothing.
The foster child does not live with them but they would tell him how much they love and miss him. They also have a great relationship with the foster child 's biological parents even though they do not want their son in their life and are not willing to raise him so strangers raise him. They stated, “On the day it became clear to me that my time with my foster son is likely coming to an end, the bench under me was hard. The walls surrounding me were grand and white. The ceiling above me was as high as that of a cathedral.”
Foster youth are become more independent and usually leave the parental home at age 23. In the article Mental Health Care of Families Affected by the Child Welfare System by Manny J. Gonzalez; it states, “Given that young children under age 5 are more likely to be placed in out-of-home placements and to spend a significant portion of their lives in foster care, their unique mental health needs are highlighted.” Children placed in foster care systems may end up getting a mental health condition so if a family tries to

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