
The Article ' What 's Blocking Sustainability? Human Nature, Cognition, And Denial By William Rees

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The article titled What 's blocking sustainability? Human nature, cognition, and denial by William Rees brings up an important argument that human society nowadays is no longer sustainable. Human activity, therefore, seems to be maladaptive: it selects defective genes and malicious memes as well as act in such a way so that to exploit the natural resources to the point of threatening human survival in the long run. The modern techno-industrial society in this relationship to the ecosphere support the notion that Homo
Sapiens Sapiens are unsustainable.

The purpose of this article is to bring up attention of the scientists and the general population to the fact that the current stewardship of the Earth is suboptimal and that much action is to be taken to avoid our planet to be irretrievably mutilated and assure that humans do not end up in a complete misery. In other words, the article focuses on the theories that the modern society nowadays is unsustainable and keeps going at full speed towards its extinction. The article wants humans to understand the problem, and develop the appropriate solution to avoid long-term negative effects on humanity and the planet Earth.

The author provides many explanations for what is "blocking sustainability" yet they all are about the inappropriate behavior of Homo Economicus or the modern man. Modern day people are concerned with efficiency and material wealth, so they support excessive energy and resource consumption far beyond what the

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