
The Athletes Guide To Sports Success By Joining A Sports Team

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I. Introduction The world of sports has had huge impacts on the lives of many. It has created ups and downs for the majority of the people involved and not just the players. Team sports creates bonds between everyone involved with the team. This includes the players, coaches, and parents. Sports also create hard and emotional situations throughout the years of playing the sport. In the end, sports prepares kids physically and mentally for life.
II. Positive effects of sports on kids
A. Joining a sports team may be a struggle sometimes but it comes with its benefits. Being involved with sports gives people the opportunity to create new friends and possibly find a best friend. “Joining a sports team gives kids a sense of …show more content…

Another thing that sports provides is confidence in a person. A sport can create confidence when the kid does well in a game or at a time in practice. Getting complimented by the coach, parent or other teammates can make someone very happy. This can boost someone's confidence by a lot. In the book, The Sports Success Book The Athletes Guide To Sports Achievement it talks a lot about confidence in an athlete “In athletics, self-confidence grows from a deeply-held belief that an athlete can learn the skills, strategies, and techniques of his or her sport(s) and can respond in competition with a satisfactory-to-excellent performance” (Woods 44). This quote explains how they have the confidence to perform what they have learned when it comes down to crunch time. The confidence will make them perform their best when the time …show more content…

Having a bad experience with a coach or player can also ruin a sport for a kid. Everyone wants a coach that wants to win but when that is all the coach cares about it can be stressful. When your coach doesn’t care about the team or the improvement of the team but only if they win or not it can completely ruin a sport. Also, when your coach is just mean in general it can ruin all the fun. Having a coach that compliments kids and makes the games and practices fun creates a better experience for the kid. When there is another kid on your team who is a jerk can make that sports team suck. One kid can destroy a sports experience for the whole team when he is a bully. Simple things like hazing or hurting other kids feelings can make them not want to return to the team because of

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