
The Aviator Mental Illness

Decent Essays

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Mysophobia Presented in the Media This paper will address media perception of mental illness in comparison with what is actually known and symptoms associated medically with mental illness. The mental illnesses that will be discussed in greater detail will be obsessive compulsive disorder and an anxiety disorder associated with obsessive compulsive disorder, mysphobia. The piece of media used for comparison is the movie The Aviator released in December of 2004. This movie portrays a thirty year portion of Howard Hughes’s life. Howard Hughes was a nonfictional person whom lived during the mid 19th century. Howard Hughes is represented by Leonard DiCaprio. The Aviator embodies Howard Hughes as a multimillionaire, …show more content…

Some of the symptoms/ behaviors associated with obsessive compulsive disorder presented in the movie are; a need for perfect numbers such as exactly twelve peas on a plate, the need for perfectionism with the way his movies and planes are crafted, and incredibly detailed and specific instruction on how his staff is to handle and deliver food to him. Some of the symptoms/ behaviors of mysophobia presented in the movie include; milk delivered to him to him with the lid still on it, grabbing items with tissues and not his bare hands, avoiding handshakes with people, wraps cellophane around the wheel of the plane’s he flies, secluding himself in a room from others, walking on newspapers, and creating germ free areas in his own home. The Aviator also depicts how people of the 1930-1950s had little to no patience for people with these mental health illnesses. Individuals throughout the movie describe Howard Hughes as being eccentric and a …show more content…

Compulsions are defined by the DSM 5 as “Repetitive behaviors (e.g., hand washing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (e.g., praying, counting, repeating words silently) that the individual feels driven to perform in response to an obsession or according to rules that must be applied rigidly” (“You Are,” 2016). Mysophobia is another component of obsessive compulsive disorder that can present itself. Mysophobia is “Exposure, or even thoughts of exposure, to dirt and germs generally causes an immediate anxiety reaction” (“Mysophobia: A Fear,” 2012). This piece of media does a great job of showing these symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder and the added effect of mysophobia. The Aviator presents Howard Hughes’s struggle to fight these compulsion and how he feels a sense of failure when he cannot overcome them. This piece of media also does not allude to any myths about the disease or over present the symptoms of the disease and makes the character look “crazy.” Instead the Aviator does a wonderful job of relating to the psychosocial aspect of the character’s struggle with the disease. Howard Hughes is constantly fighting to have a close relationship with one person that will understand him and his

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