
The Battle Of Gettysburg During The Civil War

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There are many instances in which Family members fought on opposing sides of the war, for example: the Culp Family from Pennsylvania, Crittenden Family from Kentucky. Even President Lincoln’s wife had members of her family that fought on opposing sides. This is the perfect example of people fighting for their own cause not just because there was a line drawn on a map. Before the Battle of Gettysburg even started many soldiers had fought side by side in multiple battles as US Soldiers, where many friendships were born. Once the Confederacy was established in 1861 many soldiers began to choose sides based on where they were from. Southerners returned back to their homes to fight for the Confederacy while others regardless where they were from stayed to fight for the Union even if it was against their family’s beliefs or even their own for that fact because they were loyal the Union.
There were five generations of the Culp Family that lived in the small town of Gettysburg during the time of the battle. This location was known to many as Culp’s Hill, the prominent landmark in which played a major role during the fight. Henry Culp was the current owner of the farm and his brother Peter Jr. gave away General Buford position at the Seminary building away to the Confederate Army. While there are many variations of the family’s involvement, but the most common events of Wesley Culp and William Culp are without question. Wesley was a harness maker that moved to Virginia for work and

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