
The Battle Of The Confederate Army Led By William T. Sherman

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On September 1, 1864 Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman, Commander of the Military Division of Army of Mississippi with his Union troops, had successfully captured Atlanta from the Confederate Army led by Lt. Gen. John Bell Hood. At that time Atlanta considered as the heart of the South for the Southerns and for the Confederate Army. On the other hand “Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant General in chief of the U.S. Army believed that the Civil War would come to an end only if the Confederacy 's strategic, economic, and psychological capacity for warfare were decisively broken” . So after the south had lost their most important railroad junctions and their important productive manufacturing centers, Sherman would now fight the last battle to make it more difficult for the southern Confederacy.
On November 15, 1864 Sherman and his 60,000 Union troops left Atlanta and start marching to Savannah port on the Atlantic Ocean, expecting to face 13,000 troops from the Confederate Army led by LTG. William J. Hardee. On December 12, the Union army arrived near Savannah, and on the night of December 20–21, the Confederates filed out of their trenches and headed north and left the city without protection. On the morning of December 21, 1864 Mayor Richard D. Arnold formally surrendered Savannah to the Union army, Sherman had telegrammed Washington D.C presenting Savannah as a Christmas gift to President Lincoln.

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