
The Battle Over The Religious Homework

Decent Essays

The Battle Over the Religious Homework Eventually, teachers, in the public school system, will find themselves in the crosshairs in the debate over a student’s expression of religious beliefs within the classroom. What should a teacher do if a student decides to submit an essay on Jesus as their hero accompanied by a drawing of the Last Supper? Should the teacher accept the student’s submission? If so, will the assignment be displayed on the classroom wall? By investigations the students’ religious rights under the First Amendment, coupled with the evaluation of the assignment, and the teacher’s practice of displaying student’s work in the classroom will reveal the predicament that the instructor will find themselves in. A student may submit an assignment with religious content if the material coincides with the parameters of the given assignment. In this case Jesus as a hero falls within the criteria if the student provides information to support their claim. Plus, they refrain from using the assignment to proselytize. According to Tinker v. Des Moines School District, the Supreme Court declared that neither teachers nor students “shed their constitutional right to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate” which affirms the students First Amendment rights (Tinker v. Des Moines School District, 1969). The Supreme Court reiterated the student’s right to express religious belief when the court stated “private religious speech, far from being a First

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