
The Beauty Myth Naomi Wolf

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The Beauty Myth was written by Naomi Wolf. It was originally published by William Morrow and Company in 1990 and then was republished by Harper Perennial in 2002. Naomi Wolf is an author, social critic and political activist that raise awareness in society and politics. She also encourages people to take control of their lives and voice their concerns in order to take control of their lives. She has written many books with her landmark book being the beauty myth in which she challenged cosmetic and marketing companies about unrealistic beauty ideas. She has written many more books which promote civic engagement and creativity. She has also written articles about Guantanamo Bay and has been a consultant about women studies (1). This book is …show more content…

What may be considered beautiful 100 years ago may be completely opposite of what is considered beautiful now. It is not all about how the woman looks but on her behavior as well. Years ago a beautiful women were not only pretty but were strong, had a good work ethic and her fertility as well. The book talks about how it is believed the quality of a woman is based on how beautiful she is. It talks about how strong men chase after beautiful women that those women are more likely to reproduce. Although beautiful women are considered better, the definition of beauty differs from one place to another. It has been proven thought that not all of this is true. What the beauty myth is really about is not necessary how the women looks but on female behavior. It talks about how beauty has become a form of currency and that beautiful women use their beauty and their looks to get the things that they want or feel that they need in this world. It also talked about how a woman looked effected the types of jobs she could get and whether she was able to keep the job or not. The books talks about different instances and cases where women lost their jobs because of the way that they looks, being told that they were no longer right for the …show more content…

It is hard for a woman because not only does she have to dress nicely and looks like a women she cannot be too overdressed or too under dressed. Not only do women have to worry about having to compete with men for jobs and prove that she can do the job but now she has to worry about how she looks as well. I really like the line in the book that said “Beauty is heaven or a state of grace; the skin or fat cell count is the soul; ugliness is hell”. It is not that I agree with that statement but it really shows how a woman thinks sometimes and why she strives to achieve what she does.
I believe that one of the worst things that are caused by the media is the dieting that women do. It is portrayed in the media that all of the beautiful woman are models and celebrates that look like they weigh nothing at all. This causes women all over to think that they need to go on diets in order to be considered beautiful when instead it can actually be causing harm.
Women go through so much pain and heart ache in order to achieve beauty or what they consider beauty. The truth is that beauty lies in women’s individuality and their personality. It is in their strength and their ability to care for others. Unfortunately nothing will change until something is done to change what is considered

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