
The Benefits Of Childhood Vaccination

Decent Essays

Running around the doctor's office screaming because you do not want the nurse to give you a shot is probably one of your worst childhood memories. Thinking about the pain only; this shot helping you and allowing you to go to school is the last thing on your mind. In a parent's perspective, they wonder if putting their child through this pain is actually worth it. Truth is; it is. One time of pain, that feels like a pinch, is better than living your life with a disease that could be fatal. The primary benefit of vaccination is to prevent diseases. Childhood vaccinations have proven time and time again that they save lives. Without childhood vaccinations, morbidity and mortality rates would be astronomical. Therefore, childhood vaccinations should be mandatory.
The requirements of vaccinations for children entering a new school has been around for countless years. These requirements protect the young as well as the old from diseases that can be spread between family members as well as strangers we may come in contact with. The American Academy of Pediatrics stated that “most childhood vaccines are 90%-99% effective in preventing disease." Also, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that 732,000 American children were saved from death and 322 million cases of childhood illnesses were prevented between 1994 and 2014 due to vaccination. With these statistics, childhood vaccinations has proven that they saved lives throughout the years vaccinations progressed.

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