
The Benefits Of Minimum Wage

Decent Essays

A full time job should not be rewarded with a life of poverty. In America, the need to raise minimum wage has never been so crucial. Many Americans debate the increase; although, research indicates raising the minimum would benefit almost every family. Across the country, current minimum wage isn’t meeting the needs of many struggling families so many cities stepped beyond Federal requirements and found success with raising wages.
The minimum wage is supposed to protect Americans; however at 7.25 an hour most Americans don’t feel secure. The Editorial Board explains minimum wage is “a fundamental labor standard designed to protect workers, just as labor laws and overtime rules do,” not just “the lowest legal hourly pay.” If minimum wage had risen with inflation through the past 50 years, the current minimum wage would be about 19 dollars an hour (Chen). Although, 19 dollars may be too unrealistic something needs to be done. Even just a few dollars would help tens of millions of American employees. Some argue the other government programs are helping American enough, but these substaties can actually lower wages. This is because, “Employers who pay factor the government assistance into their wage scales” (The Editorial Board). People are struggling to make ends meet and provide for their families because the minimum wage is so low. In some parts of the U.S. people would need to make triple the amount of minimum wage just to cover basic needs (Chen).
Many counties,

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