
The Benefits Of Raising The Minimum Wage

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Raising the Bottom Line Money. It makes the world go round. No matter how hard one may try, it is nearly impossible to get anything done without it. From goods to services, money is an essential in society. While some people acquire wealth by doing little to nothing, most must work to get money and participate in the economy. Some people make high wages, while others make significantly small ones. A pressing political issue is whether or not the federal minimum wage should be increased in order to aid these low wage workers in moving up the economic ladder. While this proposal sounds like it is in the best interest of low wage Americans, it does more harm than good. The federal government should keep its minimum wage at $7.25 instead of raising it to the proposed $15 in order to encourage social mobility and aid the U.S. economy. Before analyzing the ineffectiveness of a wage increase, one must look at the history of the minimum wage. Following his reelection in 1936, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) (Lingenfelter et al. 14). Chiefly, the FLSA established the first federal minimum wage in order to combat the low wages and massive unemployment that resulted from the Great Depression.
The Fair Labor Standards Act was not the nation's first attempt at a federal minimum wage. In 1918, Congress passed a law guaranteeing women and children employed in the District of Columbia a minimum wage. In 1923, the Supreme Court ruled, in Adkins

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