
The Best Basketball Player Research Paper

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As Bob Knight put it, “In order to positive results, one must work for them, not hope for them” (“501”). Many young children dream of being a star in sports. Basketball is a popular sport for all ages. Many players possess natural skills, but there are qualities that can be taught to make one even better. These abilities can be perfected with practice. To be a good basketball player, one must have skill, a good shot, and teamwork. Having skill in basketball is a very important part in becoming a great player. For example, dribbling moves can help one break down the defender and score or make a good pass. To become good at dribbling, one must put in practice. Many professional players, such as Stephen Curry or Michael Jordan, have put in hours of practice. This is one reason why these players are some of the best in the NBA. Coach Vince Lombardi says “Practice does not make perfect. Only perfect practice makes perfect” (“Vince”). In whatever sport one is practicing, he or she must go as hard as he or she can to get better. Another important …show more content…

If one has perfect form every time he or she shoots, the percentage of making the shot will be higher. The best shooters to play in the NBA, for instance, Ray Allen and Larry Bird, have smooth and repetitive shots. These players had the same shot every time, which is why they were so good. One of Bird’s quotes is: “A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals” (“Basketball”). To achieve an unchanging shot, one has to drill out a great deal. Bird practiced his shot many times, and that is why he became such an amazing shooter. The 2015 NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP) Stephen Curry takes 1000 shots daily before going to his team practice. Again, his practice habits is one reason why he is the MVP. A balanced shot is a key to being a good basketball player, and so is

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