
The Big Test Short Story

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The big test
Do you know what 9th instatutal black belt is ?
Today is the big day, I thought to myself walking to school on the cold wintery fall day. The ninth test for black belt is harder because you need to become a master once you finish. ?man i only been here for seven hours? one hours and 55 minutes i mumbled while writing. When i got home it felt like i was followed to my house, then a knock was at my door, i said who is it at first no one answer then i said it again and then i heard its cooper from your school i?m in first,second,third, and fifth with you. Oh what you doing he ask , i said i?m practicing for the big test today. What test he asked,then i said karate. Ok well i have to go to football practice and then we both said our …show more content…

Later i call cooper and then he ask did you pass, then i said yes i did pass. Wanna play football or basketball he asked me, i said oh wait i can?t because i have practice i cried. Then cooper relized that he still has football practice to go to. Its saterday i streched and then yawned, then the phone rang and i answer but it was bad new from cooper?s mom and i heard that cooper been bit by a

raccoon then i thought to myself where did cooper go to get bit by a raccoon? Well i might never find out. Man it?s been a couple years now i?m fifteen and he is fourteen then the phone rang and i picked up. hello? Coopers mom said he?s fine and they cured him because the raccoon gave him a disease and so we rushed him to emergency room. Then we hung up and i was really suprised now he is coming home to see me and his family that had to babysat his little sister while cooper?s mom and dad was with him.
Then once they got home we played cold horse (it?s like horse but in the winter) and the score was so close (cooper:horse chris:hors) then we are grown up and in collage. I guess that cooper had to walk into the forest because thats where coopers games

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