
The Black Cat Edgar Allan Poe Analysis

Decent Essays

"The Black Cat" by Edgar Allan Poe is a story of aggregated irony. This tale teaches how a person can act wicked and self-contradicting for no apparent reason. The ghostly story of how the narrator advances into evil form of himself, an unwitting irony speaks to the dark side inherent in all human beings. Edgar reveals how malevolent motivations can reveal themselves eve in people who seem to be calm and contented. The story begins with the nameless narrator informing his readers that he is about to relate a “series of mere household events”. The most easily identifiable form of irony occurs when the plot provides a storyline that is opposite to what the author apparently wants to convey. When considered the horrible conclusion, the very opening of the story establishes an ironic tone that continues until the end of the tale. The inconsiderate and casual way the narrator contemplates his action immediately informs the reader that his opinion and the fact of the story he is relating may soon turn out to be something different from what is first presented. He tells us in the beginning that “tomorrow I die”. Clearly something did happen or he would not have been in the horrible position. The fact that he is jail and has been sentenced to death only adds to the irony of his speculation. In the end we know he will die because in the beginning which is only hours before his death, come to terms and accepted accountability of his actions. The narrator refuses to recognise his

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