
The Black Cat: Insane

Decent Essays

The narrator of the “The Black Cat” is insane because he was brutal and aggressive to his pets and his wife. In the story, there was a normal man who had a wife and a cat that they both loved. Then the narrator stumbled upon alcohol when he did that he would always come home drunk and aggressive. Even though he was like this the cat still loved him and would always be near him. One day when he came home from the bar he called out for the cat but, he didn’t come to him fast enough and that made him very angry. When the cat didn’t come to him he decided to grab the cat and strangle it and then cut out his eye. The next day when he had seen what he did he hated himself and was very upset. After that most people would stop drinking but, in reality, it made him drink more. …show more content…

After that it was another night he was at the bar and he saw a cat and loved the cat, so he decided to take it home. The morning after the cat joined the family he realized that the cat didn't have an eye just like the other cat. His wife admittedly fell in love with the new cat, and he hated him. He felt that the cat was bad luck and wanted him gone, so one day he was in the basement cutting wood and the cat came down and he was just about to take off his head with the ax when the wife comes running down that stairs and yells at him to stop. That made him so angry so he swung the ax and killed his wife. He was full of sadness after he had done that but, needed to think of an idea to hide her. Finally, he gets an idea, to put her in the wall. Once he is all done he realizes that the cat was gone and he just assumed that it had run away because of all the

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