
The Black Death

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The Effect of the Black Death on Society and Literature The Black Death was a gruesome plague that took over Europe killing over 20 million people. To this day scientist still do not know a cure or what exactly this disease was. It is understood that it was from fleas that were on dying rats that caused the plague. The Black Death did not only kill millions of people, it also killed the way that society functioned. It decreased the supply and increased the demand for workers (The Black Death). Thus, causing the middle class to form and progress into what we know in the present day. It also gave the people a chance to persecute and massacre the Jewish communities by accusing them of deliberately poisoning wells and causing the outbreak of the Black Death (Bee). The influence that the plague had on the works of authors such as, Chaucer, changed not only society but how they thought and wrote. Before the Black Death in the mid 1300’s, England was overpopulated. The population grew more rapidly than the agricultural production, causing famine (Sommerville). This was excellent for the upper class considering the labor costs, however, this was not so great for the lower classes. With the supply of workers being high and the demand being low it caused cheap labor. Which then led to a very high unemployment rate and an increase in famine among the lower classes. However, when the Black Death occurred, the supply of workers decreased significantly and the demand increased, causing

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