
The Black Death

Decent Essays

The Black Death, a term coined in the sixteenth century refers to the pandemic that cut Europe’s population nearly in half from 1348-1350. The disease is thought to have come from Central Asia through the trade routes. Taking a ride from the trade ships, black rats, which carry the disease infected fleas, were introduced into European ports. From the ports, the disease eventually spread to the rest of Europe. The disease was caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis. This bacteria caused three types of plague, bubonic plague, pneumonic plague, and septicemic plague. The most common form was the bubonic plague which consisted of buboes in the lymph nodes often appearing black in color from which the name “Black Death” comes from. Because of …show more content…

Groups of flagellants would travel from city to city marching down streets in parades exhibiting their practice starting from the cities church. Covering only their lower body with white skirts, they would march and whip themselves while singing a religious song. At certain times, they would be whipped while lying on the ground in a position which describes their sin, whether it be lying flat on the ground or lying on either side. Each flagellant would get whipped one at a time until they all have been whipped, at which time they would all be up and continue the practice. The singing continues and three times during the song, they would fall flat from which they were standing with their arms out mimicking the shape of a cross. Sometimes they would be referred to as “cruciferians.” This was due to the fact that they always were led by a cross, they wore a cross on their clothing, the metal in the knots was to look like a cross, and they would fall into a cross shape. Seeing the cross replicated over and over again representing their faith and their beliefs. Within their beliefs was the belief that practicing flagellantism would allow them to be forgiven for their sins thus allowing

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