
The Blue Whales: The Largest Mammal Ever to Inhabit the Earth

Decent Essays

The blue whale is the largest mammal that has ever inhabited Earth, yet not much is known about this fascinating creatures that roam our oceans. This research examines the physical description and habits of the blue whale, the habitat in which they live in, and the primary threats this endangered species face today. Even though hunting was ban in 1966 by the International Whaling Commission, blue whales are still exposed to numerous threats today, all of which are caused by humans. The population is so low that any further killing may lead to the extinction of this species in the future. The blue whale is the largest and loudest animal ever known to have existed on Earth. These magnificent creatures can grow up to 100 feet and can weigh …show more content…

Presently, it is estimated that there are about 5,000-12,000 blue whales remaining worldwide, with the largest concentration of about 2,000 blue whales in the North Pacific from Southern California up to the Gulf of Alaska. Blue Whale is currently one of the world’s most endangered species due to massive commercial whaling during the 1900s. Blue whales were hunted worldwide, 99% of their population was killed by whalers, reducing the population to almost extinction. Whalers used their oil to make products such as soap, and cosmetics. But whaling is no longer a threat because in 1966 the International Whaling Commission banned commercial whaling for blue whales in all the world’s oceans. Today, the primary threats to blue whale are vessel strikes and noise pollution. Along the coast of California blue whales are dying from ship strikes every year. Blue whales migrate to the offshores of California to feed on krill. Unfavorably for blue whales this feeding area overlaps with one of the busiest shipping lanes in California. Ship strikes have been determined to be a threat on the population causing slowed growth and a declined in the population. Recent studies from scientists at Cornell University in the US, demonstrate that noise pollution from military sonar activity is having a negative impact on the way blue whales act and communicate. Noise pollution creates confusion to

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