
The Bond Between Man And Animals In Life Of Pi By Yann Martel

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The Bond Between Man and Animal
The book Life of Pi by Yann Martel shows the relationship between man and animal. When humans interact with animals, either a positive or negative relationship is formed. With many types of animals this bond improves the quality of life for the person. However, when this bond is broken, such as when a pet dies or is lost, the person suffers unfavorable side effects.
The bond between man and animal has existed ever since man and animal were created. As time evolved, so did the bond between the two types of creatures. Originally, animals were only seen as food or predators. However, they soon evolved into work animals, and eventually the animals were kept for companionship, rather than work. Humans learned the value of companionship with animals.
Two animals that have been majorly affected by this transformation were the dog and the cat. In the beginning, dogs were used for ¨herding, pulling power, hunting, tracking, or protection¨ (Wiebe). Cats were ¨kept to hunt down and kill intruding mice or rats¨ (Wiebe). In present day, these two types, along with many others, are kept for companionship and entertainment. While some places in the world still have work dogs and cats, they are now mostly known as pets. In addition, many other types of animals have developed an affinity with humans.
The concept of pets as companions is used throughout Life of Pi, as Richard Parker turns into a pet for Pi. While Richard Parker is still an untamed animal, he is under Pi’s control, for the most part. Pi manipulates Richard Parker by training him with a whistle, keeping him at bay and reducing the risk of attack from Richard Parker (260). At this point, the bond is still forming and is not fully developed. Because Pi is stuck on the lifeboat without traditional companionship, he turns to Richard Parker as a substitute. The bond grows stronger the longer they are together. The level of communication Pi has with the tiger helps keep him sane. They learn to live together and respect each other’s territory. For their survival, they must depend upon each other. The challenges they face help strengthen the bond until the point where Pi feels a deep connection to the animal.
Aside from Richard

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