
The Book Thief Character Analysis

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Whether it be the Medieval Period, the first or second world war or the modern day, there has always been a difference between the living conditions and habits of different people, leading the situation of every single person to differ as well as their struggles. In Mark Zusak’s novel The Book Thief, the main character Liesel’s struggles, as well as those of people closely connected to her, in her complex world bring out emotions that are only natural in someone as individual and uninhibited as herself. Rather than letting these struggles take the best of her and giving in to the standards set upon her and everyone else by superior powers, such as hating the Jews and standards set upon her by the society, Liesel keeps a tight grip on her closest of connections and let them fuel her to rebel against and reject what it is given to her and stand out. She is empowered by her close relationships with her family and her friend Rudy, and her brotherly figure Max.
Throughout her childhood, Liesel has held many close relationships with her family. Even though she has had to leave many of the in the past she still is deeply connected with them on an emotional level. Liesel has also been able to build a very strong relationship with her foster family, to an extent where she treats them like biological kin. Even as she has gotten used to her new home, to her foster parents, she still constantly thinks about her mother. Though it has been quite a while since Liesel saw her mother she

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