
Examples Of Figurative Language In The Book Thief

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The Book Thief was a well-written book. Zusak used many elements of figurative language to help portray his story. He uses imagery to paint a picture in the audience’s brain. It helps us understand the story better. He does not only use imagery; he uses many more figurative language. Good stories always have imagery. If there is no imagery in a story, then it is hard for the audience to picture what you are saying. Zusak uses imagery multiple times throughout the story. When he says, “The grass was overrun by Hitler youths, parents, and a glut of brown-shirted leaders” (Zusak 244). It can be as simple as that. When he says the grass was overrun, the audience may picture flattened grass with footprints. This helps illustrate the setting of the story. Another place he uses imagery is when he says, “she could see the dirt falling to the ground as Rudy brushed his hands together” (Zusak 246). The way he said it makes the audience picture every piece falling slowly. It was not plain and simple. He did not just say oh the dirt fell on the ground. He used imagery to portray this image in our minds. This helps illustrate the characteristic of a character. …show more content…

Similes are used to compare characters to build characteristics. He used simile when he said, “Like an elastic rope, he lengthened his lead until any thought of someone else winning snapped altogether” (Zusak 245). He compares Rudy to an elastic rope because it's what he looked like when he ran. This helps build characteristic to the character. Another place he used simile is when he says “It seemed to surrender slowly, like a falling tree” (Zusak 249). This simile helps build characteristic to the setting of the story. It is a simile and imagery because when it says falling tree; you picture a tree slowly falling which makes the reference

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