
The Boston Tea Party Essay

Decent Essays

Splash! “…Patriots disguised as Native Americans threw 342 chests of tea overboard from three British ships” (Hart 71). This event, which the colonists enjoyed but angered the British, was later referred to as the Boston Tea Party. This started off when the East India Company had a superfluous supply of tea that nobody was buying. As a result, they lowered the price of the tea and sent it to America for the colonists to buy. This was called the Tea Act. The colonists weren't stupid and immediately recognized it as a hidden tax. They were extremely outraged and a secret group called the Sons of Liberty got the idea of throwing out the tea into the Boston Harbor. The Boston Tea Party had a prodigious impact on the colonies politically, …show more content…

A man name Joseph Warren originally drafted it. The ultimate purpose of it was to urge Massachusetts to form their own government until Britain repealed the Intolerable Acts. Also, it told all colonists to arm themselves and get ready for war (Lukes 59). The Boston Tea Party tremendously changed the Massachusetts government and made Britain create new laws for the Americans.
Secondly, there were several economic effects of the Boston Tea Party. To begin, the British had paid a lot of money for the tea that had ended up in the Boston Harbor. Therefore, the British lost an immense amount of money. The Intolerable Acts also had an economic impact as well as a political. One of the Intolerable Acts called the Boston Port Act closed the port of Boston. Half of the citizens of Boston were put out of work. Originally, the people of Boston got their food from the sea but after the act they didn’t have the sea available as a source of food. “Boston lived on its sea trade, and people worried that they might starve” (Hakim 54). In other words, the harbor was the main way people made their living and fed themselves. The only way the British would allow the harbor to open is that if the Americans paid off the cost of the tea (Stuckey and Salvucci 177). The colonists would have to unnecessarily work harder to earn back the money they had wasted. The colonists decided to boycott British goods until Parliament repealed the Intolerable Acts, which

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