
The Bottoms By Joe R. Hardy

Decent Essays

The Bottoms by Joe R. Lansdale is a coming-of-age story about a young boy named Harry and a series of events that forever change his life. Harry is a 13 year old boy living in East Texas with his father Jacob, mother and younger sister Tom. After a tree limb falls on their dog Toby, Harry and Tom go to the woods to put him out of his misery. They get caught up playing with the dog one last time before they kill him and end up lost in the wilderness. As the try to make their way back home, they stumble upon a badly mutilated body of a colored woman. When Tom and Harry finally make it home, without killing Toby, Harry explains to his father what they found and his life is forever changed after that pivotal moment. The story follows the timeline of the investigation into who the victims are, the revelation of who the killer is and a world wind of secrets and lies exposed. As the events of the investigation unfold, Harry’s character evolves from a child being viewed as just that, to his father recognizing his growth into a young man, to an adult taking on responsibilities. By examining these three key stages in Harry’s life, a complete analysis of Harry’s change, or coming-of-age story unfolding, can be studied. When the story begins, Harry sets the setting and tone by describing his surroundings and economical state. Harry says, “I suppose there were some back then had money, but we weren’t among them” (5). The Cranes are not well off. Harry’s father, Jacob, makes money by

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