
The Bourbon Play Summary

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The play that will be discussed today is about will be Loan Star and Laundry and Bourbon production at the Northwest Tarrant County College Campus. The elements that will be focused on in this paper will be design, acting, directing and the overall impression of the experience. This play was divided into two acts; each act will be written about separately and distinguished by two names the Bourbon act (the first act) and the Laundry act (the second act). The design was spectacular in both plays, the real sod made the play feel as if it was taking place outside in a field much less an inside building when matched with then lighting there was a suspension of disbelief. In the Bourbon act the building really caught my attention not just the …show more content…

You can have the best set and the best director in the world and without good acting the play is bland and meaningless. Fortunately there was good acting in both of the acts. In Bourbon the main character Roy portrayed the stereotypical war veteran, always at a bar, drunk, and rambling about stories in the past. Best of all he did so in a believable manner, his age also helped reinforce the believability of the character. Ray portrayed the younger brother quite well, once again had the age to make it seen as if he was the younger brother to Roy. Ray played his character quite well looking up to his brother through out the Bourbon scene. Cletis was well played as well; this was a character that was supposed to look and act as a dorky character and Cletis did so flawlessly. The characters made the play feel as if they were not acting rather being themselves which made the play a lot more relatable, enjoyable and believable. In the Laundry act of the play Elizabeth was portrayed by a woman who was similar in age as Roy which helped keep the play’s realistic theme throughout the play. All of the actors did a great job with their accents and added that southern feel to the play. Acting is a vital part in all productions in pushing the setting and making the play seem

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