The play that will be discussed today is about will be Loan Star and Laundry and Bourbon production at the Northwest Tarrant County College Campus. The elements that will be focused on in this paper will be design, acting, directing and the overall impression of the experience. This play was divided into two acts; each act will be written about separately and distinguished by two names the Bourbon act (the first act) and the Laundry act (the second act). The design was spectacular in both plays, the real sod made the play feel as if it was taking place outside in a field much less an inside building when matched with then lighting there was a suspension of disbelief. In the Bourbon act the building really caught my attention not just the …show more content…
You can have the best set and the best director in the world and without good acting the play is bland and meaningless. Fortunately there was good acting in both of the acts. In Bourbon the main character Roy portrayed the stereotypical war veteran, always at a bar, drunk, and rambling about stories in the past. Best of all he did so in a believable manner, his age also helped reinforce the believability of the character. Ray portrayed the younger brother quite well, once again had the age to make it seen as if he was the younger brother to Roy. Ray played his character quite well looking up to his brother through out the Bourbon scene. Cletis was well played as well; this was a character that was supposed to look and act as a dorky character and Cletis did so flawlessly. The characters made the play feel as if they were not acting rather being themselves which made the play a lot more relatable, enjoyable and believable. In the Laundry act of the play Elizabeth was portrayed by a woman who was similar in age as Roy which helped keep the play’s realistic theme throughout the play. All of the actors did a great job with their accents and added that southern feel to the play. Acting is a vital part in all productions in pushing the setting and making the play seem
This paper is a critique of a production of The Last Night of Ballyhoo, a play written by Alfred Uhry, which was performed and produced by the Ball State University Theatre. Gilbert L. Bloom directed the production and was very successful with producing a truly entertaining, comedic play with an important message about the personal dilemmas that we as individuals with different beliefs and values must encounter in our daily lives.
The scenic design in this play was extraordinary, and I could tell there was a lot of effort put into it. In this play there was a stairway towards the back of the stage. It brought in a new way for the actors to enter/exit the stage. I thought this was very creative idea that was easy to move on, and off stage if needed. There were many scenes that had the moon and the stars in the background. I loved this because it showed the audience when it was night time. I also love looking at the moon and the stars, I feel it creates a very romantic atmosphere. There were times the setting was inside a house or a pub, and then there were times that the setting was outside like the war scene, and the balcony scene. I
The movie gives a vivid description of the characters and the actors have the accents to really drive that character. When watching the movie, one may see what the clothing looked like. They can see how people used to dress and what was acceptable or commonly wore. The play gives descriptions of the characters, however people can not visually picture them.
The play was well interpreted by all whom were involved. Steven Wrentmore, the Director, kept the 1920’s feel by dressing in all 1920’s costumes and everyone spoke as if they were living at
Costumes and make-up weren’t used a whole lot during this play. One main example that a costume was used effectively un was during Spider. The costume allowed Emily Kroll to look more like a spider and helped clarify the character she was playing to the audience. Lighting played an important roles of showing importance on the set. Lighting was used very strongly when seeds were dropped from the rafters down onto the set. In the act Donny the Leaf Blower, light was used to help focus the audience on a prop falling from the rafters. I felt that the lighting helped make that portion really cool. Sound also played a strong part in this play. Sound could always be heard and didn’t overpower the actors. During the act Uh Oh, the noise made by the barrels could be heard but still allows the actors to be clearly understood. The sound helped make that song interesting. The visual and aural elements easily made the play a whole leg
I will be honest with you I had a lot of trouble enjoying the play, like I said the dialect gave me trouble, plus my seats were not that great. I did however like the movie quite a bit, but I realize I am a product of a different generation as well. I have been brought up around TV and movies rather than plays
One feature of the play that really amazed me was the perfection of the acting. The actors and actresses seemed as if they actually were the characters in which they were playing. I was particularly impressed by the way that the characters seemed to actually emotionally feel and exist in their own unique roles. The
The main issue within the article is about language, which is a "culture trait." A "culture trait" is described as learned beliefs, values, traditions, symbols or meanings that are passed from one generation to another within a specific community. (Francis, January 18, 2017) The French language within Quebec has been a cornerstone in regards to preserving the francophone culture. By speaking in French, Trudeau acknowledges the importance in preserving French in Quebec and Canada's official bilingualism. But by disregarding the use of English during the town hall, Trudeau made himself sound like a hypocrite. Since the adoption of Canada's Official Languages Act, there has been a struggle to maintain happiness between anglophones and
The acting in the play was phenomenal. They used amazing facial expressions and great movements. The actors and actress were picked perfectly for their roles.They made it very believable and you could tell perfectly who was who. King George was very good and you could tell he loved his character and that made him very believable.
Setting wise I thought the design for the play was very beautiful. I’ve been to other plays set in a similar time period and sometimes the rococo fashion and scenery can easily make everything look tacky and gaudy but thankfully this wasn’t the case. One thing that stood out to me the most was the square pattern on the floor that looked like a chessboard. It didn’t click with me at first but after I had time to reflect after the play I thought about how that may have been a clever symbol about how this is all just part of a game between Merteuil and
What I like about this play is how the characters made the audience feel involve, especially john Barrymore. For instance , there was a time when he was talking to Andrew and he turn to the audience and blow a kiss or point at them . It made feel as if I was part of the play. Also I like how the characters took on the role. The characters truly portrayed their role.
The acting of the play was amazing it seemed liked every single person knew their lines perfectly. They wore the clothes responding to their part in the play such as the soldiers looked like soldiers and Evita looked like Evita from 70 years ago. The acting for Evita stood out more because she spoke louder and more clearly making her more noticeable making the acting better. The actors also portrayed
The design looked short and simple you had 3 rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, but the way it was set up and put together was marvelous. It looked better than any other set based on The Diary of Anne Frank. Also, the costuming of the play it portrayed what they wore during that era and it too brought the characters and play together.
How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying has many musical number that have have the theme with the lyrics, so I have decided to do Music for my element of Drama.For example when the cast starts singing “where the company put me, there I stay” is show that people get comfortable in the workforce, and never try to get it higher position unless they are told to. The music in the play also help set the mood of the scene. J.B Bigly and Finch sing the Old Ivy song and set the mood for excitement. The song her say Rip over and over again show how in the business world people are willing to do anything in their power to destroy their rival. “Happy to Keep his Dinner Warm” to was very fitting for era, because women were expected to keep their
From just reading the play, I believed that she had some form of Alzheimer’s but seeing on stage with such a focus on the fire, it became clear to me that her unstableness was some form of PTSD. I would have never caught that if it hadn’t been for being able to see it live. I also did not catch a lot that went on with John and Alma in terms of how the dialogue was told from the text to the play. I believed that for the most part, John was insensitive and uncaring for Alma, but multiple times it was emphasized on stage of how he wanted Alma to see that not being like the rest wasn’t a bad thing, such as at the hotel room or defending her when speaking to his mother in his bedroom. Another thing that I did not catch as well was one of the people in their meeting to have a strong liking towards Alma. I think seeing it portrayed the way it was on stage lead to a slight comic relief as well as an emphasis on how not everyone in the town thinks she is an outcast or a freak. I really liked the lighting choices that were made, I think it really highlighted the mood of what was happening on stage that might not have been as easy to capture without it. Given the space of the theatre, the way some of the blocking was done in terms of opening a window or turning on a fireplace didn’t seem weird or odd that it didn’t exist, it just seemed natural. Often times though I found myself getting slightly