
The Business Judgment Rule: A Balance of Two Concepts

Decent Essays

A. The accountability Concept Academics have made numerous propositions that would modify shareholders derivative suites by switching the balance more in the direction of accountability. The most impressive case is Professor Gevurtz suggestion to eradicate the business judgment rule . He analyzed the different formation methods that courts had established to the rule, his findings on the business judgment rule different explanation can be summarized in two classifications . He described the first class as “ meaningless” by considering that it alludes to directors walking free of the result of their decision except if there is a reason to hold them accountable, For instance, if they breach fiduciary duty or the duty of loyalty . He labeled the second class as “Misguided” because it creates a distinctive standard of accountability –gross negligence- for asserted breach of the obligation of care that vary from the usual tort law . The professor reached the conclusion that court should put the usual negligence standard into practice concerning directors’ action . He advised for the elimination of the business judgment rule, because it has a restricted effectiveness and high possibility for mischief . Other academics promoted a slightly different approach form Professor Gevurtz, suggesting an inclusive judicial inspection of decisions via numerous enlargements of the fiduciary duty. Thus changing the exercise of the business judgment rule. For example, some academics

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