
The Bystander Effect Of An Emergency Situation

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The bystander effect is when an individual will be discouraged from intervening in an emergency situation due to the presence of others. There are many reasons why we help people in emergency situations and these reasons include evolution, modelling and social norms. We also consider the rewards and exchange. Evolution shows that we are biologically predisposed to help others. We have a preference for helping blood relatives because this increases the chance for the helper’s gene to pass on to successive generations. However, there is no empirical evidence to prove this. Evolution also doesn’t explain why people help in some circumstances but fail to help in others. Modelling shows that we learn through observing other peoples behaviour and this was demonstrated in Banduras Social Learning Theory. In this experiment Bandura placed children in rooms with a model. In one condition the model would just play with toys and in the other condition the model would attack a bobo doll. When the children were left alone in the rooms the results showed that they would imitate behaviours they had previously seen displayed by the model (aggressive/non aggressive.) This shows that we can learn new behaviours by observing models. Another study conducted by Rushton and Campbell (1977) showed a confederate engaging with a participant in a friendly social interaction. They were then left in the lab together and passed people asking for blood donations. When the confederate was asked

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