
The, Career Choice, And Making A Difference

Decent Essays

The choice of career is a significant factor that establishes if someone’s life is happy or unhappy, fruitful or not productive, admirable or contemptible. Careers that are moral controversial are more lucrative than those careers that are innocuous. Hence, a person earns more via moral controversial career than a harmless job. Thus, pursuing philanthropy via moral controversial career is more preferable. The paper discusses various subjects. First, it will discuss on the William MacAskill’s strong claim. Secondly, the paper will illustrate on harm-based reasons. The third issues that the document will address are the Trolley problem and Tactical Bombing case and try to relate these two cases to the harm-based reasons. Finally, the paper will provide statements that support strong claim relating to Trolley problem and Tactical Bombing cases.
In “Replaceability, Career Choice, and Making a Difference”, William talks about choosing a career. He states that a person choice of career establishes how one spends time. Somebody choice of career is a significant factor that establishes if someone’s life is happy or unhappy, fruitful or not productive, admirable or contemptible. William brings out the strong claim in his argument that states that ethics prefers to follow philanthropy via a higher paid but career with moral controversial than to pursue philanthropy via a lower paid with a morally clean job. Hence, the claim defines a career, as moral controversial when firm

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