
The Case Against the All White Party in Texas

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Texas, a southern state that had a deeply rooted sense of racial hatred and discrimination, barred blacks from voting in the Democratic Primary since 1903. Race equality was objected as a rule in the state, and African Americans involved in the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People fought against all white primaries to change the race-based segregation, in which the Texas All White Primary became to be known. The fight against the All-White Primary lead to precedents in which exemplify that equality and public power are connected all while fighting the drive for a discrimination-free ballot on the surface. The ideals of Reconstruction that had once been introduced to Blacks were diminished, and legal separation in almost every aspect of public life was of a reality in the South, including Texas. Upon the adopting the Populist movement in Texas after forty years of agricultural distress, came the support of the state’s black voters. Populism was Texas’ answer to poor farmers’ cry for help as it called for economic redistribution of wealth by the state. However, poor black farmers were also to join the Populist movement and become “the balancing vote in Texas.” (Zelden, 30) Texas whites still stood rooted to their racial hatred and discrimination, as demographics were a source of blame for this, but need overshadowed hatred. With the growth of industrialism and a period of conservative resurgence, a move towards disenfranchisement began, appealing to

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