
Essay about The Case For Torture, by Michael Levin

Good Essays

In “The Case For Torture” an article written by Michael Levin, he attempts to justify the use of torture as a means of saving lives. Throughout the article, Levin gives the reader many hypothetical examples in which he believes torture is the only method of resolution. Though I agree with Levin, to some degree, his essay relies heavily on the fears of people and exploits them to convince people into thinking pain is the only way. In certain aspects, I could agree entirely with Levin, but when one reads deeper into the article, many fallacies become apparent. These fallacies detract from the articles academic standing and arguably renders the entire case futile. Levin’s strategy of playing with the fears of people is genius, but, with more …show more content…

Levin continues by stating “Could you sleep nights knowing millions died because you could not apply the electrodes?” I ask if the rolls were changed could one live with themselves if they tortured a man only to realize that there was actually no bomb at all. This is a conundrum altogether omitted from Levin’s article.

In his second example, he weighs the right of, yet another terrorist, who has placed a bomb on an aircraft. He suggest the terrorist should be tortured into disarming it. Levin’s reasoning in this case is lacking in that, a terrorist who is being tortured to defuse a bomb could just as easily activate the bomb and blow himself up as he could disable it to end his suffering. This would leave a person or persons going against their morals torturing the terrorist only to die in the end.

Levin continues by stating torture is not used as a form of punishment but used for “preventing future evils.” His explanation of how the rights of a single person are necessary and that those rights should be protected from terrorist. If this is held to be true, then who is to say, the rights of the terrorist are any less significant than rights of the people he or she is threatening. It is agreed that drastic measures, in times of extreme circumstance, must be executed to protect life. On the other hand, if one dies as a result of torture, is the torturer any different than the terrorist who was threatening life. When asked Lucas Stanley,

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