
The Case Of Marguerite M Presents An Ethical Dilemma

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The case of Marguerite M presents an ethical dilemma. Medical ethics play a special role in medicine and is directly concerned with its practice. Its role has continued to evolve as changes develop in medicine with new technology, financing and medical care. Furthermore, medical ethics considers the virtues of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice among some of its most respected. Physicians are sworn to non-maleficence, or to first do no harm. Their work is to help others, beneficence, and also perform so that others may benefit from it. To that end, the major role of medical ethics is to regulate behavior among healthcare professionals. When considering an ethical dilemma the facts are examined, not emotions and not even individual or religious beliefs. The facts in this case involve 2 patients. Firstly, Marguerite, an 89 year old female who experienced a myocardial infarction and the cause was unknown at the time of admission. Her doctor ordered an angiogram to test for the cause, and based on the results, would plan and provide treatment. On the other hand, Sarah, a 45 year old female, also experienced a massive heart attack, but in her case the emergency room doctors were able to determine the cause and expeditiously planned for treatment. Simultaneously, both patients required an immediate surgical procedure and time was a major consideration due to the nature of their conditions. Based on these facts, there was no dereliction on the part of

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