
The Cask Of Amontillado Compare And Contrast

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Compare and contrast These four texts certainly have many elements in common, they are all written by the same author, in the same genre. All the stories have the narrators recollecting their experiences. In The Cask of Amontillado it was over 50 years later, where the Premature burial were 10 years later and the last two is unknown in time. They all have a motive for telling their story where some is trying to prove their sanity and others wants to brag about their accomplishments and therefore disproves their sanity. We do not trust any of the narrators completely their sicknesses and madness makes them impossible to believe in. Another thing, which all the narrators have in common, is obsession. This is shown in the form of OCD and alcohol abuse. They all have something, which makes them do some vile and terrible things or imagine terrible events. When you sit back as the audience and realize that these people are obsessed and are sick it makes you pity them and you believe that if it was not for these illnesses some these people would not take the actions they do. Although the madness in some of them seems to come from a deeper source and they can not be saved, that is except from the narrator in the premature burial who gets past his obsession and his fear. …show more content…

Their language is formal, but some of the narrators are more influences by their madness than others. The Tell-tale hearts narrator has a formal language, but his short sentences, outburst and repition works against him and his madness shows. They are all consumed by their madness or obsessions making them unreliable. However again the premature burial is an exception because he was consumed by his fear and the madness form his obsession, but later seems to be truthful and somewhat more

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